Pages - Adding Borders and Rules

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Adding Borders and Rules

Place a line above, below, or around the text in your document. Use borders and rules
to highlight text.

To add borders and rules to your document:


Select the text to which you want to add borders and rules.


Click Inspector in the toolbar, click the Text button, and then click More.


Choose a border or rule line style (or None) from the Borders & Rules pop-up menu.


To change the border or rule color, click the color well and select a color.


To adjust the thickness of a border or rule, use the controls to the right of the color well.


To insert a rule above, below, or above and below selected text, click the buttons

under the Borders & Rules pop-up menu.


To insert a border around selected text, click the border button under the Borders &

Rules pop-up menu.

Click to change line color.

Click to adjust the
thickness of a line.
Click to adjust the
distance between
borders and rules
and selected text.

Click to insert a
border around
selected text.

Click to position rule

with selected text.

Select a line style.


To adjust the distance between borders or rules and selected text, use the

Offset controls.