Pages - Working with Text in Table Cells

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Working with Text in Table Cells

You can control the format and alignment of text in table cells, and you can use find-
and-replace and spell-checking features.

When you type text into a cell, Pages displays text that might be used to complete the
cell content based on similar text elsewhere in the table. You can use the suggested
text if it’s appropriate, or you can keep typing to override suggestions. To disable auto-
suggestions, deselect “Show auto-completion list in table columns” in the General pane
of Pages preferences.

Here are techniques for working with text in table cells:
To insert a line break, press Option-Return.


To insert a paragraph break, if “Return key moves to next cell” below Table Options in


the Table inspector isn’t selected, press Return. Otherwise, press Option-Return.
To insert a tab in a table, press Option-Tab.


To adjust text alignment, use the alignment buttons in the format bar.


Align text to the left, center, right; justify text; or
align text to the left and numbers to the right.

Align text to the top, middle,
or bottom of cells.

The Text inspector gives you additional text formatting options (click Inspector in the
toolbar and click the Text inspector button).
See “Setting Text Alignment, Spacing, and Color” on page 90 for more information.
To control font attributes, use the text formatting buttons in the format bar.



Chapter 9

Working with Table Cells

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Chapter 9

Working with Table Cells


You can also use the Font window (click Fonts in the toolbar).
See “Formatting Text Size and Appearance” on page 82 for additional information.
To check spelling, follow the instructions in “


Checking for Misspelled Words” on

page 118.
To find and optionally replace text in cells, follow the instructions in “


Finding and

Replacing Text” on page 120.
To avoid having Pages interpret what you type as a number, use the text format. See


“Using the Text Format in Table Cells” on page 207 for details.
Note: Text strings are ignored in functions that use values to perform calculations.