Pages - Using Hyperlinks and Bookmarks

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Using Hyperlinks and Bookmarks

Hyperlinks and bookmarks are used in documents that will be viewed onscreen, either
as HTML files or as Pages documents. You can add hyperlinks to jump to another page
or to open an email message or a webpage on the Internet. Use bookmarks to mark
passages in the document that you want to refer to as you work.

To learn about

Go to

Using a webpage hyperlink to go to a web

“Linking to a Webpage” on page 110

Linking to a new email message with the
specified subject and addressee

“Linking to a Preaddressed Email Message” on
page 111

Using a bookmark hyperlink to go to another
page in the same document

“Linking to Other Pages in a Document” on
page 111

Creating a hyperlink to another Pages document “Linking to Another Pages Document” on

page 112

Changing an existing hyperlink

“Editing Hyperlink Text” on page 113