Pages - Index

background image





background image




data series

adding multiple tables 233


creating 32
opening existing 34
password protect 36
setting margins 46
setting page orientation and size 46
viewing full screen 35
See also printing

Document inspector 45


EndNote application 66

adding and editing 55
at the end of a document 56
at the end of a section 56
converting to footnotes 57
defining and changing marks used 58
deleting 57
formatting 57
jumping from mark to note 57
numbering 58
restarting numbering 59

exporting a file

as a Microsoft Word (doc) document 256
as a PDF document 256
as a plain text (txt) document 256
as a rich text format (RTF) document 256
in iWork '08 format 260
to iWeb 264


facing pages

defining headers and footers 62
defining margins 53, 62
using left- and right- facing pages 52
See also layout

Find & Replace dialog 120
font or file missing (error message) 31
Fonts window 25
footers. See headers and footers

adding and editing 55
converting to endnotes 57
defining and changing marks used 58
deleting 57
formatting 57
jumping from mark to note 57
numbering 58
restarting numbering 59
See also endnotes

format bar 23

formatting characters. See invisibles
formatting charts

text of titles, labels, and legends 229

formatting text

adding accent marks 87
adding strikethrough 83
adjusting character spacing 93
adjusting line spacing 91
adjusting paragraph spacing 92
changing color 93
changing fonts 86
changing horizontal text alignment 90
changing text size and appearance 84
changing vertical text alignment 91
creating outlined 84
creating shadows 83
font smoothing 86
subscript 85
superscript 85
using smart quotes 89


headers and footers

adding page numbers 54
changing in sections 61
defining for facing pages 62
using 54

help tags 23
Hyperlink inspector 110

editing 113
to a preaddressed email message 111
to a specific page 111
to a webpage 110



adjusting saturation 144
adjusting sharpness 144
histogram 144
masking (cropping) 141
reducing file sizes 142
removing unwanted background 143

importing a file

by dragging 34
by menu 34
file formats supported 34
from other applications 34

importing an image 138
indenting text. See formatting text
information for document searches

See also Spotlight

inline objects

converting to floating 137
using 137

inset margin (text in objects). See formatting text

background image



Inspector window 23

opening multiple 23
using for formatting 23


showing 21
symbols for 21

iWork ’05, ’06, ’08

opening documents 34
saving an iWork ’09 document as 34 261


keyboard shortcuts

using 30
viewing a list of shortcuts in help 30


landscape page orientation 46

adding elements to 49
changing 49
defining column breaks 51
defining columns 50
defining headers and footers for facing pages 53
defining layout breaks 51
defining margins 52
defining margins for facing pages 53
inserting layout breaks 51
using different left and right pages 53
viewing facing pages 54
See also columns

Layout inspector 46
layout view 19
line breaks 49
line charts

customizing data point symbols and lines 242

linking text boxes

floating 106
See also text boxes


creating 100
creating bulleted 100

logos. See master objects


mail merge

defining merge fields 249
inserting Address Book or Numbers data 247
merge field names 250

margins. See document
master objects

adding 63
for different sections 63
making selectable 63

MathType application 174
Media Browser 24, 152
media playback settings

adjusting 155


formatting text 82

Metrics inspector 158, 179, 180
movie file

adding 154

moving through a document. See navigating



scrolling through pages 29
to a specific page 29

nonbreaking space

inserting 118

numbered list

rearranging and editing 102

numbering pages. See page numbers



adding reflection 169
adding shadows 168
adjusting opacity 170
aligning 160, 161
changing the border style 166
connecting 163
copying or duplicating 158
deleting 158
filling with an image 171, 173
filling with blended color 171
filling with color 171
flipping and rotating 166
framing 155, 167
grouping and ungrouping 163
locking and unlocking 164
modifying 164
moving and positioning 158
moving forward or backward 159
moving to the background 160
reducing size of media files 156
resizing 165
selecting 157

ordered list

rearranging and editing 103

orphan and widow lines. See paragraphs
outline view

expanding and collapsing 98
rearranging a document 98
switching to 98


page break

background image



inserting 47
starting a paragraph on a new page 48

page numbers

adding 115
formatting 115
See also headers and footers

page view

choosing options 18
document page 19
layout 19

Pages Preferences 89, 96, 117
paragraph styles. See styles

keeping entire on the same page 48
keeping together on a page 48
preventing widow and orphan lines 49
setting indents 97

personalizing documents

defining merge fields 249
inserting merge data 247
inserting sender data 247
merge fields 250
using data not in Address Book or vCard 249

pie charts

adding shadows 240
changing colors and textures 238
separating individual wedges 240
showing labels 239


image 140
in columns 108
tables 78
text 78

polygon shape

editing 152

portrait page orientation 46

a specified page range 255
document 253
options 253
previewing before 254
with comments showing 256


as you type 120



showing and hiding 96
using to set indents 97



as an iWork '08 document 260
as a template 39
backup version 40
copy of document 39

document 37

scatter charts

using 243

scroll bars and arrows 29

adding and deleting 60
creating 59
defining attributes 61, 62
formatting facing pages 62
managing with thumbnail view 60, 61
restarting page numbering in 61
reusing 63


adding custom 146
adding predrawn 146
creating 145
editing 147
editing predrawn 150, 151, 152
making editable 148
manipulating points 148
reshaping a curve 149
reshaping a straight segment 150
transforming corner points into curved

points 150

using the Draw tool 146


keyboard shortcuts 30
shortcut menus 30

sound file

adding 153

spelling check

as you type 118
of selected text 118
working with suggested spelling 118

Spotlight 30, 43
star shape

adding 152


applying 125
copying and pasting 134
creating new character styles 126, 134
creating new paragraph styles 126
deleting 127
importing 135
modifying 127, 129, 131, 132
overriding 134
renaming 127
types available 123
See also lists

Styles Drawer 27


tab stops

adding and changing 94, 95
changing with the ruler 94, 95
deleting 96

background image



setting the default distance between 96

table cells

adding and editing content 191
adding color 198
adding images 198
associating conditions with custom number

format 214

autofilling 193
automatic formatting 202
changing a custom cell format 218
changing conditional formatting 197
comments 200
conditional formatting 195
copying 200
creating a custom date and time format 216
creating a custom text format 217
currency formatting 204
custom number formats 207
date and time formatting 205
defining conditional formatting 196
defining the decimals element of a custom

number format 210

defining the integers element of a custom

format 209

defining the scale of a custom number

format 212

displaying content too large for cell 194
duration formatting 205
formatting borders 199
formatting for display 201
formatting for displaying values 207
fraction formatting 205
managing conditional formatting 197
merging 198
moving 200
number formatting 203
numeral system formatting 206
percentage formatting 204
reordering, renaming, and deleting custom

formats 220

scientific formatting 206
splitting 199
text formatting 207
working with numbers 193
working with text 192

Table inspector 177, 191
table of contents

adding leader lines 65
creating 64
formatting 65
updating after revisions 64


adding 176
adding columns 186
adding footer rows 188
adding header columns 187

adding header rows 187
adding rows 185
adding rows and columns 184
alternating row colors 189
changing appearance 180
converting text to a table 181
copying between iWork applications 181
deleting rows and columns 186
moving 180
resizing 179
resizing rows and columns 188
selecting 182
selecting a group of table cells 183
selecting a row or column 183
selecting a table cell 182
selecting cell borders 184
sorting rows 190
table tools 177

Template Chooser. See custom templates
template pages

adding 80
deleting 80


choosing 15
options 15
saving 39
skimming to view page designs 32


adding borders and rules 108
adding in shapes 109
copying 81
deleting 81
highlighting 107
pasting 81
selecting 81
splitting into columns 108

text boxes

defining columns 108
floating 104
inline 105
linking 106

Text inspector 23

See also sections


adding an item 21
changing tool icon size 21
choosing only icons or only text for tools 21
customizing 21
default tools 21
rearranging items 21
removing items 21
restoring default tool set 21
showing and hiding 21
using the Command and Control keys to

change 21

background image



tools. See toolbar
track changes

accepting and rejecting edits 75
change bubbles 73
editing with 70
in shapes 70
in table cells 74
starting, pausing, and stopping 72


changing capitalization 85
characters and symbols 88

Typography window 89


undoing changes 39


vCards. See personalizing documents


Warnings window 31
watermarks. See master objects
widow and orphan lines. See paragraphs
word count 43
Wrap inspector 114


zoom level

changing 18
View control 18
View menu 18